¡Plas Plas! project vol.5


2024 5/29 wedー6/15 sat  

In the last year, +1art has launched a new project 'Plus Plus*'. This is a series of projects to support young artists who use sound as a material or create sound-inspired works. In these turbulent times, when we are shaken by unexpected events, we have the feeling that acts of expression will become even more diverse and that unexpected works will be created one after another. This project hopes that the gallery space will be the starting point for such a process. This exhibition, the fifth of the Plus Plus Project, features installations of sound and space created in collaboration between composers and artists.

(*"¡plas, plas!" is a Spanish onomatopoeia for the sound of applause.)

EVENTS at +1art


6/01 sat PM5-6
Junya Hirano(environment 0g/remodel)DJ
Entrance fee
▶︎+1art ( )Up to 15 people


6/15 sat PM 4~5
Entrance fee


Akiko Yamane

Influenced by Japanese pop culture, Yamane has been working in the field of western art music, dealing with overconsumption, pain and kawaii (cute) related to highly consumer society. Yamane received a Master of Music degree from the Kyoto City University of Arts, and was an exchange student at the Hochschule für Künste Bremen. Composed works have been performed in festivals such as Warsaw Autumn, Musica Nova Helsinki NHK Symphony Orchestra Music Tomorrow. Major works include "State No.1" using an actual pachinko machine and "Harakiri Maiden" for biwa and orchestra.


2005-2007 Kyoto City University of Arts M.A. Music Dept.
2005-2006 Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Exchange student
2001-2005 Kyoto City University of Arts B.A. Music Dept.

Commission (selected)
2023 Healing Spells - Kanazawa Citizen’s Art Center, Ishikawa
2023 Quieeen, Quwaaan - L’Instant Donné, Paris
2022 Kawaii ;) d, “Akiko Yamane×John Cage” - Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, Kanagawa
2022 Kokai Toshi - National Theater of Japan, Tokyo
2021 kitsch mandala kawaii - Cecilia Castagneto, Düsseldorf
2021 eye glitch animated eye - Ryogoku Art Festival 2020, Tokyo
2020 Arcade - Suntory Hall Summer Festival, Tokyo
2018 Amusement - Tokyo Gen’On Project, Tokyo
2017 TenTenTenStar - Reigakusha(Gagaku), Tokyo
2016 Dots Collection No.18 - Ars Musica, Liege Belgium
2016 Heisei Kazari Gaku - Kanagawa Arts Foundation, Tokyo Gakuso(Gagaku)
2015 Illuminated Baby - Hamamatsu International Piano Competition, Shizuoka
2012 Harakiri Maiden - Suntory Summer Festival, Tokyo
2012 Dots Collection No.13 - MFJ, Fukushima, NYC, Washington, D.C.
2011 Solo Exhibition, Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto
2010 Dots Collection No.6 - NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo
2009 Dots Collection No.4 - Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka
2008 Hitogata - Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo

Award & Scholarship
2010 The 20th Akutagawa Award for Music Composition
2007 Finalist of the 17th Akutagawa Award for Music Composition
2006 First Place of the Music Competition of Japan
2005 Togashi Prize of the 22nd JSCM Award for Composers
2005 Finalist of the Takefu Composition Award
2004 Meiji Yasuda quality of life


Chitose Noguchi

Since her first solo exhibition in 1990, she has had numerous exhibitions in Japan and abroad. She creates sculptures and installations titled 'Sound and Space' and has recently been working on a project to share living space through her artwork as a medium. The project, which began in 2015, features a large pencil sculpture, "Malala's Pencils / For Malalas," which was erected along public roads, at rest stop, abandoned schools, and private homes in cooperation with the town of Southeast Kochi. The red giant pencils, which support girls' education in developing countries, are still increasing, aiming to realize a sustainable world.

The sound that fades away the moment it is born has always held a fascination for us. Unlike visible objects, the phenomenon of sound may lack clear boundaries, which could be why it captivates us endlessly.
My installation, '0verlap', is an expression of Akiko Yamane's text score titled 'State No.10: Making Space Pink' using light. The light, animation, and the box set of Akiko Yamane's text score, all placed within the space, are intended to overlap the varying shades of pink printed on transparent sheets. The combination of sound and color evokes imagery. The slowly overlapping and ever-changing pink space, along with multiple beats flowing from the speakers, continuously overlap without a beginning or an end, creating an overlapping effect.

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