Sound of a Drop | HAYASHI Aoi

2020 3/11 wed ー 3/22 sat


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1988 Born in Kyoto, Japan
2011 Information Design, Video Media Course, Kyoto University of Arts
2013 M.A. Kyoto University of Arts

Solo exhibitions
2020 Yudotai (Playing Body)|Gallery PARC, Kyoto
2019 Uta no hukusyou (Echo of verse) |KUNSTARZT, Kyoto
2019 Taiwa no jikan (Time of dialog)|Kogane 4422bld., Aichi
2018 Shitsurae (Preparation) | AWOMB, Kyoto
2017 Koe no Konseki (Trace of Voice) | KUNSTARZT, Kyoto
2016 Mizu no Hatsuon (Pronunciation) | ART SPACE NIJI, Kyoto
2014 Public Score|TSUKURU BUIL, Kyoto
2013 OverLay|gallery near, Kyoto
2011 RE|C.A.P. STUDIO Y3, Hyogo

Group exhibitions
2020 m@p | Gallery PARC, Kyoto
2019 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow | The Museum of Kyoto
2019 The 5th ArataPendants | Creative Center Osaka
2019 Charity auction - Little us Who are we? |+1art, Osaka
2018 The Vision of Contemporary Art | The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo
2018 The 5th ArataPendants | Creative Center Osaka
2017 Art / Media - Reading of 4 dimension | The National Museum of Art, Osaka
2017 The garden of the mind – The finale | ART SPACE NIJI
2016 The 4th ArataPendants | Creative Center Osaka

Stage Art
2019 Giben(couvade)|Theatre E9 Kyoto・atelier MEKARU base, Okinawa
2018 Mojiishoku (Letter Transplantation) | Komaba Agora Theater
2017 Dictée | atelier GEKKEN, Kyoto
2016 Mojiishoku (Letter Transplantation) | atelier GEKKEN Pon Plaza Hall, Fukuoka

Art Fair
2013 Emerging Directors’ Art Fair ULTRA006 | Spiral Garden Aoyama, Tokyo

2015 Ashiya City Exhibition | Ashiya City Museum of Art and History / Yoshihara Award